What happens after you file a car insurance claim?

Although it’s the last thing anyone wants to happen, when it does, it consumes all of your thoughts. You may have responded promptly and appropriately, all the while managing the anxiety that accompanies both minor and major mishaps. Now that it’s gone, though, all you want is for things to return to normal. What is causing this lengthy process?

You might feel a little confused about the process when you file a claim with your auto insurance. We’ll explain what steps are involved in the insurance claims process and offer practical advice on how to make it run as smoothly as possible to assist put some light on the matter. 

An overview of the procedure for filing auto insurance claims
There are some similarities between what to do after an automobile accident and how to file a claim. When it comes time to submit a claim, the actions you take following an automobile accident might assist both you and your insurance. Let’s dissect it in detail.

Step 1: Prioritise safety

After an accident, making sure you, your passengers, and other people are safe should come first. Make sure you are in a well-lit, safe area and have stopped to the side of the road with your hazard lights on before proceeding.

Step 2: Make contact with the police and report something.

Following an accident, it’s critical to dial 911 and, if feasible, submit a police report. When filing an insurance claim, the police report number and name of the agency will be crucial pieces of information you’ll need to have on hand. 

Step 3: Create, create, create

Make sure you provide insurance information (policy number and insurance company details) with all parties involved once you’ve called the police. Taking pictures is a fantastic idea as well, if you can do it from various perspectives. Another useful tip is to write down all the details you can recall about the accident, including the who, what, and where of it.

Step 4: Examine your policy details

It’s usually a good idea to study your policy before filing an insurance claim. The details of your policy’s coverage are typically available on your insurance ID card or the auto declarations page.

Step 5: Speak with your insurance provider and submit a claim.

The police report, pictures, and notes can come in handy when you work with your insurance team to answer questions and provide as much information as you can after filing a car insurance claim. Throughout the investigation, keep in close contact and early and frequent communication with your insurance.

Step 6: Hold on

The waiting portion of the claims procedure is frequently the worst. Your insurance company’s experts will examine and evaluate the damage to your car when you file a claim. It’s common to have to choose the car shop that will perform the repairs, so get referrals from friends and family. Your insurance provider will finish a repair estimate after you select a shop, which may take a few days.

Step 7: The payment

Following their investigation, your insurance provider will pay you, your lienholder, or the shop directly with your consent, less your deductible from the repair estimate. 

Step 8: Make your deductible payment

Regardless of who is at fault, you will be obligated to pay your deductible as the final stage in the claims procedure when the repairs are finished. Usually, the auto repair shop will receive your deductible payment, with your insurance covering the remaining amount.

But what happens if the accident wasn’t your fault? If you are not at fault, will you receive your deductible back? We won’t mince words: this step of the procedure may require some time. Your insurance may need several months or even years to verify that you are not at fault, depending on the specifics of the event. Thus, exercise patience and trust that the insurance provider will make every effort to reimburse your deductible if you are at fault. The majority of insurance companies will reimburse you before they get their money back from the at-fault driver’s insurance.

Why it could take a while to receive payment
It’s not a one-size-fits-all strategy; each claim is unique, and what may be straightforward for one driver’s circumstance may be a little more complicated for another. That’s why there may be variations in the time it takes to see a payment.

Here are some typical circumstances that affect how long it takes to complete a reimbursement if you have been through the claims procedure or are currently waiting: 

It’s possible that your coverage for the claim is inadequate. 

Frequently, injuries require further documentation.

The cop report is not yet complete.

When lawyers are involved, additional time is typically required.

If you have more questions than answers about your claim, getting in touch with your insurance team is an excellent place to start. Ask questions and allow your insurer to support you; we understand that following an accident, you and your insurance team want things to return to normal. 

What you can manage throughout the claims procedure
There are steps you can take to expedite the procedure. Being organised is among the most crucial things to do. Reviewing your insurance at renewal time is a wonderful way to make sure your coverages still fit your demands as a modern lifestyler.

When you make a claim after an accident and discover that you either don’t have enough coverage or none at all, that is the most difficult situation for both you and your insurer. Maintaining accurate documentation will also advance your claim. Here are some additional suggestions to maintain the smoothest possible claims procedure flow.

Make sure you have your insurance policy number on hand.

Keep useful information close at hand.

The incident’s address 


Names of other participants 

Verify again that the phone number, email address, and mailing address on file for your account are current.

Find the location of your vehicle’s title.

Provide a copy of your police report to the insurance company.

When the claim is paid out, if appropriate, set up a direct deposit option so you can get your money faster.

You can also get in touch with your insurance provider to find out what more they might need in order to properly handle and look into the claim. 

Our’s response to assertions
There is no if, and, or buts about how stressful it can be to file a claim. Our has developed practical solutions to make the claims process easier for you because we recognise how frustrating it can be. 

First, you can use the app to instantly file a claim if you’re a Our customer. Second, you can easily access your payout electronically when your claim has been completed, so you can wave goodbye to the days you spent waiting for snail mail. 

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